Monthly Archives: February 2012

Happy Palindrome Day everybody!!

Today it’s February 21st, 2012 –> 21022012 !!!

If I calculated correctly this Palindrome Day will be the last for about eight years – or is  it really so? Well – let’s see: February 31st (31022013) doesn’t exist, nor does February 41st (41022014) etc.. This means that the next regular Palindrome Date would probably be February 2nd 2020 -> 02022020 ..

And while we’re at it I take the opportunity to mention the following Palindromes – most of them are German words and names: Uhu, Anna, Otto, Reittier, Rentner, Reliefpfeiler, Lagerregal, Rotor.. any suggestions? ..maybe some English Palindromes?

best, t…