Merkel’s lost Men – Top 10

First I wanted to call this post “Merkel’s Mad Men” – but that would not have suited either: neither the top 10 lost ministers, that had to leave their political position in the past months, nor the great US American TV series about this New York advertising agency.

Anyways. So in the past months the German government, or Angela Merkel if you like, has lost even more than ten top position politicians. To pay a bit respect to this ongoing situation I have compiled a top ten list. First I’ll just post the names, later I’ll be adding the individual resignation reasons.

Here we go:

1: Christian Wulff, Ex-President
2: Horst Köhler, Ex-President
3: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Ex-Minister of Defence
4: Franz Josef Jung, Ex-Minister of Defence
5: Günther Oettinger, Ex-Governor of Baden-Württemberg
6: Roland Koch, Ex-Governor of Hessen
7: Jürgen Rüttgers, Ex-Governor of Nordrhein-Westfalen
8: Ole von Beust, Ex-Governor of Hamburg
9: Peter Müller, Ex-Governor of Saarland
10: Axel Weber, Ex-CEO/President of the German Central Bank (Bundesbank)

…to be continued…

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