Happy new GEMA! Happy new MiniDisco!

besides all these news about war-preparations, oil on coasts, rising taxes, UB40 on the radio – and all these small- and large-scale Wurst-Case-Szenarios there also seems to be some glittering sparkles at the horizont: The GEMA for example just turned 100 (congratz!) and took the chance to underline the importance of the private-use-copy :) that we all love so much these days.


Thank you, Grand-Madame de la Musique-Business, have another nice 100 years, and please dont forget the self-made Ministars, the original artists and all the brave kids in their basements, garages and fox-holes, cursing, rehearsing, rockin and rollin…

Makes me wonder about the propagana of the music-industry, that already made even some close friends of mine think that the private-use-copy was already illegal. Bullshit :) comrades! Of cause you may still not steal music – but that`s a different game.
You may instead visit friends with your MiniDisco-Recorder or the Powerbook of your choice and have a coffee-session, just like it was in the good old times of compact tapes (you still have yours somewhere in some box?)

And besides this, i can only recommend you to let somebody repair your favourite broken device! YES! FINALLY! DO IT! Just go to go to your local electronics-dealer and ask him for a special offer for a maintenance session for your favourite broken device! Happiness might be guaranteed!
– And if you have a picture of your favourite broken device then please dont hesitate to send it to me :) and i’ll post it in a brand new BokenDevices-Section or so
> mail AT till in tallin DOT net

greetinx, t_;_,_,___ _ _ _

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